Dans les couloirs étincelants du célèbre Lucky-Treasure Casino, une atmosphère enivrante captivait les clients avides de fortune. Parmi eux, Jean, un habitué passionné de poker, se lançait dans une série de parties palpitantes. Sa concentration et son flair légendaires lui valurent une victoire impressionnante, lui assurant une nuit mémorable au Superbe Lucky-Treasure Casino. La chance semblait lui sourire abondamment, et les jetons s'accumulaient à chacun de ses paris audacieux.
À la table de roulette, une autre scène fascinante se déroulait. Sophie, une joueuse novice mais intrépide, plaçait ses mises avec une confiance déconcertante. Les chiffres tournaient, la bille rebondissait, et à sa grande surprise, la fortune lui sourit soudainement. Un gain inattendu fit briller ses yeux émerveillés, et elle sut qu'elle vivait un moment magique au sein du Superbe Lucky-Treasure Casino.
Par-delà les bruits envoûtants des machines à sous qui retentissaient, une ambiance électrique régnait dans le Superbe Lucky-Treasure Casino. Maxime, un joueur expérimenté, défiait les limites du hasard en tentant sa chance sur divers jeux de cartes. Son calme olympien masquait une stratégie redoutable, et ses victoires successives impressionnaient les spectateurs autour de lui. Le casino vibrait d'une énergie unique, portée par les destins entremêlés de ceux qui osaient croire en leur bonne étoile.
Et c'est ainsi, dans ce sanctuaire du jeu et de l'excitation, que se nouaient les destins de chacun. Entre moments d'adrénaline et instants de jubilation, le Superbe Lucky-Treasure Casino révélait ses mystères et offrait à ses visiteurs des histoires inoubliables. Que vous soyez joueur chevronné ou novice téméraire, une chose demeurait certaine : la magie de la chance planait toujours au-dessus des tables de jeu du célèbre casino, prête à transformer le destin de quiconque oserait y croire.
For Developers & GC’s looking to partner with Benson, on your next multi-residential build, please review a few of our frequently asked questions.
We’d love to speak to you. Drop us a line at our Victoria office or send us an email at info@bensoncm.com, and we’ll put you in the right hands for your project. Important information to include is the number of units, cabinets-on site date (although we know schedules change!), how you found us and geographic location.
We do not have a showroom. We prefer to hear what you want, and tailor a package to your needs. There is no ‘off the shelf’ with us. We are happy to show you the product line and accessory set that best suits your needs in either our Vancouver or Victoria office, where we carry a vast array of samples and accessories. Once we determine your needs, we’ll happily book you in for a (no charge) consult.
It is atypical for us to produce cabinets for a one-home build currently, but it never hurts to ask.
Absolutely, in fact, we recommend it. This is where we test and finesse your product, layout, and aesthetic to make sure it’s exactly what you want before committing to a whole project.
We absolutely do. This is done on a case-by-case basis, so please contact us for more information.
We do not have a geographic restriction for supply-only, however for supply and install we currently focus on serving Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland, Whistler & Kelowna.
We don’t have any dealer distribution for our cabinets.
We consider stone countertops a separate scope of work, and we leave it to the experts in that scope. We partner with local stone countertop providers. There are limited and specific instances in which we may be able to provide laminate tops, either internally or via collaboration.
For homeowners and those living with our products, we hope you love them! Here are
Some FAQ’s that may guide your enquiry.
Because our business has been installing products for 40 plus years, we will need more information. Please contact us at info@bensoncm.com with your civic address, year built, unit number and GC (if you have it) and we’ll do our best to answer your questions.
How do I approach a warranty or repair?
If you think you have an item that falls under a warranty repair, please email the civic address, unit number, name/year of the building and any relevant photographs to info@bensoncm.com
We do not retail or provide after-market (post-occupancy) cabinetry. If you are unable to find a local service provider, please email your building address, unit number and name to info@bensoncm.com and we may be able to connect you to a retailer. If you are developing a multi-unit residence, please visit the ‘Developers’ tab.
We don’t have a showroom, because we don’t have a retail component to our business. Our multi-unit projects typically have a Display Unit (Sales Centre), where our product is proudly showcased.
We are not a licensed retailer of any sort. There is a chance that we can point you in the direction of what you need, if you are looking for additional products for your home, noting that some of our suppliers are business-to business only as well. Please email your request, including year of project, address and unit and any relevant photos to info@bensoncm.com
We currently only sell our products to developers, and as such once they sign off on the design and installation, the cabinetry is considered complete. Any modifications to a completed unit that’s been handed over to the builder are considered ‘after market’, which we refer to local retailers.
Based on the enquiry, your message will be directed to the most appropriate staff member. For service and warranty, please complete and send us an email with your civic address and unit number, and any relevant photos.
A BCM staff member will be happy to assist you as soon as possible, noting, we operate from Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1630.